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Curio only; for entertainment purposes only: This can be described as a spell combo-pack. It includes Money Draw Powders that act in combination with a Money Draw Mojo bag or Toby.


Money Draw Powders draw financial opportunity and funds when sprinkled on or used to feed Money-related conjure work and can also be added to individual objects (wallets, invoices, FRONT doorsteps) to draw funds or worked into spellwork. These Money Draw Powders interact with a carefully created Money-drawing spell in the form of a handcrafted Mojo bag, Toby, or "hand."


There are so many Hoodoo formulae for Money magic. Please be as specific as possible about your needs during customization so that the appropriate spell is applied to your specific need when the Mojo or Toby is created.

Money Draw Mojo w/ Powders

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