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Powerful and gentle  energy healing to promote the highest good of the recipient. Remove blockages, transform trauma and step into your power. Mira at Shop At The Crossroads will utilize a variety of reading and healing methods to address your unique concerns. Each session is 1 hour with an additional half hour grace period worked in to ensure that the delicate process of our  healing work is never, ever rushed. 


"The wound is the place where the light enters" - Rumi

Personalized Energy Healing

  • Please schedule your healing session a minimum of 24 hours in advance so that ample time is allowed for the spiritual, mental, and physical preparation that this kind of work can demand of a healer. 

    • A photograph may be requested at the start of the work if it will enhance the healing session. Please have one prepared to send if requested. 

    • If you have trouble booking your session through the website please email:

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