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Please be extrmely specific about your needs during the course of your customization call. Ritual spellwork follows a traditional Hoodoo framework but is heavily customized to suit your reequirments. This is an elemental working invilving fire, water, earth, air, and the eaid of Spirits. Your work is not complete until the flame lifts and embraces its dressings, and fires will be rebuilt and dressed  until the process is complete. Dressed candles are a traditional Hoodoo method for spellwork. This method predates the use of candles in Hoodoo and rootwork and is the technique from which candle dressing is derived. Mira at Shop At The Crossroads will be holding ceremony for this work at its start and its finish. Although most  ritual spellwork offered at Shop At The Crossroads takes around 3 days, this working takes 7-9 days. 

Ritual Money & Wealth Working

    • Each spell requires a detailed conversation and a series of readings for customization purposes, so please be sure to book your call following your purchase.
    • This call may take 30 minutes- 1 hour so please set aside sufficient time to discuss the details of your case.
    • Names & Photos of the Subject & Target of the spellwork will be requested during the course of this conversation.
    • If you have trouble booking your customization call through the website please email:
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